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Singing River Dentistry - Russellville

Implant Supported Dentures
Russellville, AL

digital rendering of a mouth showing a single dental implant on the lower right jaw and an implant supported dental bridge on the lower left jaw at Singing River Dentistry in Russellville, ALImplant-supported dentures are different from traditional dentures. They are a special kind that gets connected to dental implants, giving them extra stability and support.

Unlike the usual dentures that just sit on the gums without much support, these are anchored more securely. At Singing River Dentistry, we recommend them due to their stability and ability to offer durability.

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Understanding Dental Implant Technology

A dental implant is a crafted structure composed of synthetic materials carefully placed beneath the oral tissues—whether beneath the mucosa, periosteum, or within the bone. Its purpose is to offer a solid foundation, ensuring stability and support for a fixed or removable dental prosthesis. We can later attach dentures to the securely installed implants to replace missing teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are advanced medical devices strategically placed in the jaw to enhance chewing ability and restore your appearance. These implants support artificial teeth, like crowns or dentures, ensuring a reliable and natural-looking solution.

Dental implant systems comprise a dental implant body, a dental implant abutment, and sometimes an abutment fixation screw. The dental implant body is surgically placed into the jawbone, replacing your tooth root. The dental implant abutment is typically connected to the implant body using the abutment fixation screw, extending through the gums into the mouth to provide support for the artificial teeth attached to it.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

The dental implant is securely fastened to the bone in your jaw, taking the place where the roots of the missing tooth were originally located. Typically crafted from a durable metal known as titanium, this dental implant has a sturdy foundation. Its versatility supports various dental prosthetics, such as crowns or dentures. As time progresses, the bone gradually grows around the implant, contributing to its stability and ensuring a steadfast integration within the jaw structure.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a long-lasting solution for replacing a missing tooth by providing a replacement that looks and feels natural and mimics your natural teeth. Dental implants boast an impressive success rate of over 97 percent for a decade, far surpassing the longevity of alternative options. Implants also have the potential to mitigate the bone loss that often follows the loss of a tooth.

When a tooth is missing, the neighboring teeth may shift toward the gap, leading to issues with your bite and chewing capability. Implants play a crucial role in bridging the gap between your teeth and preserving the well-being of the surrounding teeth. By averting their tendency to drift, implants contribute to maintaining the overall health of your oral structure.

Types of Dental Restorations Supported by Implants

Implant Supported Dentures

In contrast to conventional dentures, an implant-supported denture connects directly to your jawbone through dental implants, providing enhanced stability for activities like chewing and speaking. These dentures come in removable and nonremovable options that offer flexibility to suit your needs and preferences.

Implant Supported Bridges

An implant-supported bridge resembles a standard bridge, but it gains support from dental implants at each end rather than relying on natural teeth. It is important to note that not every crown within the bridge necessitates an implant. We will review the number of missing teeth and decide which is the best option for you.

Implant Supported Crowns

Implant-supported crowns are securely attached to dental implants, which offers unparalleled support and stability. Beyond their natural appearance and feel, these restorations stimulate jawbone regeneration in the area where there are missing teeth.

Advantages of Implant Supported Dentures

Natural Look and Feel

An implant-supported denture not only presents a more natural appearance but also enhances the organic function of your teeth. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on your gums and may contribute to wear, these dentures are securely fixed onto implants. They remain steadfast, providing stability, and do not shift when you chew your food. Thus, you can enjoy normal oral habits with these dental prosthetics.

Improved Chewing Ability

It may not appear significant to many, but only those who struggle to eat their favorite foods truly understand. The joy of savoring beloved foods diminishes as we age and have missing teeth. It is not just about satisfying our appetite - it also impacts our overall health. Dental implants restore the ability to chew food properly and subsequently enhance digestion.

Preserving Jaw Bone Health

Dental implants play a vital role in stimulating the jawbone, preventing the loss of bone that often happens when teeth are missing. Through the preservation of jawbone integrity, implant-supported dentures maintain facial structure, preventing the aged appearance that may arise from bone deterioration.


Are Implant Supported Dentures Worth It?

Implant-supported dentures stand out for their durability and reduced maintenance needs, resulting in long-term cost savings. While the initial investment in implants may be higher, their cost-effectiveness becomes evident over time as they eliminate the ongoing expenses associated with denture creams, adhesives, replacements, and frequent dental visits.

Is the Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

The actual procedure is typically painless, as it is carried out under general or local anesthesia, ensuring complete numbness in the mouth. Following dental implantation, you may experience mild discomfort when the numbness subsides. Those who have undergone the procedure often describe this discomfort as less intense than the pain associated with tooth extraction.

Can you Sleep with Implant Supported Dentures?

Like any denture, it is essential to remove implant-supported dentures before bedtime. There are various reasons for this, and one of the crucial ones is to allow the gum tissues to rest.

How Long do Implant Supported Dentures Last?

The longevity of fixed implant-supported dentures generally falls within 10 to 20 years. While some instances may see them lasting much longer, there are situations where they might experience issues and require attention within a shorter time frame.

Implant-supported dentures stand out in the dental market because, in contrast to conventional dentures, implant-supported dentures are securely anchored to the jawbone, mimicking the stability of natural teeth. This significant feature allows individuals to move beyond the restriction of soft foods and indulge in various food choices, restoring the freedom to enjoy various textures and consistencies.

Are Implant Supported Dentures The Right Choice for You? Call us in Russellville, AL Today!

If you are considering dental implant installation, we will help you achieve that perfect smile and restore your chewing capabilities. We install implant-supported dentures in our clinic at Singing River Dentistry. If you want to enquire more about our services, feel free to call us at 256-460-4191, and we can schedule an appointment for you.

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Implant Supported Dentures in Russellville, AL
Singing River Dentistry - Russellville, 531 St Clair St, Russellville, AL 35653, 256-460-4191,, 10/21/2024, Tags: dentist Russellville AL,