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Singing River Dentistry - Russellville

All on 4 Dental Implants
Russellville, AL

Diagram of All-on-4 Treatment Concept at Singing River Dentistry in Russellville, AL Year by year, individuals' teeth wear down, or more seriously, develop gum disease and decay that eventually contributes to tooth loss.

After you have lost all teeth, either the upper or lower, or both, the most viable tooth replacement option would be All on 4 dental implants. It is a system of dental implants that works to provide a stable and long-lasting teeth replacement solution without the need for too many dental implants.

At our Singing River Dentistry office in Russellville, AL, we have the experience to place All on 4 dental implants. Our implant specialist works closely with you, ensuring that you get optimal results from the procedure.

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What Are All on 4 Dental Implants?

The All on 4 is a dental implant system that aims at replacing all of the lower or upper teeth with only four implants. One of our dentists places the four implants into the jawbone at different angles. Doing so helps keep the denture robustly secured. It also gives the teeth a flawless look.

This results in strong, natural, replacement teeth. This teeth replacement solution also uses a full denture that is mounted in the mouth. Our dentist will place axial and tilted implants, ensuring that the restoration is highly stable and strong. Two posterior implants are utilized so that anatomical structures such as the sinuses and nerves are avoided.

Benefits & Advantages of All on 4

Once you get All on 4 implants, there are many benefits you will enjoy. The system increases the stability of your teeth. Additionally, it eliminates bone loss, and is easy to maintain.

Fixed and Permanent Teeth Replacement

An important aspect of All on 4 is that these implants offer a fixed and permanent solution for your teeth replacement needs. The screw-like implants are fastened through your gums to settle and anchor in the jawbone.

Improved Stability and Chewing Function

The way the implants are mounted is what provides enhanced stability for your teeth. They are fitted at an angle so that they remain very stable. Again, the implants are strong and ensure improved chewing function. After your gums have healed and the prosthetic teeth placed, you can eat whatever you want.

Preserving Jawbone Health

Dental implants provide jawbone stimulation, helping it grow and remain strong. Through chewing and biting forces, the jawbone remains engaged and therefore it will not recede.

Enhanced Aesthetics and Confidence

When bone loss arises due to loss of teeth, you may have facial sagging. The lower third of your face begins to collapse, and over time, the distance between the chin and the nose tip closes slowly. As such, you may have facial changes such as excess wrinkles around your mouth and thinning of lips. You look a lot older than you really are in terms of age. However, by receiving All on 4 implants, you prevent facial sagging and other bone loss effects in your mouth.

The All on 4 Procedure

Several steps are involved in the process of placing All on 4 implants. The beginning point is the consultation, and then the treatment planning, before going to the actual surgery, and finally the placement of the prosthetic teeth.

Comprehensive Dental Examination

As with any other tooth replacement solution, the All on 4 system requires that a dentist perform a proper dental exam. The dentist does x-rays and other imaging to see the structure of the jawbone. The examination allows the dentist to reveal any dental concerns that should be addressed prior to the implant surgery.

Treatment Planning and Customization

From the information gathered through the dental exam, the dentist maps out a customized treatment plan. The details will show how the implants will be placed and the appropriate positions. An individualized treatment plan will ensure that you get optimal results after the surgery.

Surgical Implant Placement

The next step is placing the cylindrical metal posts, or implants, into the jaw at different angles.

•  The dentist places marks on the points of mounting the implants to the jaw.

•  Small holes are then created ensuring that they are at precise angles in order to obtain the strength and stability needed.

•  Once the implant insertion is done, the gum tissue is placed back to cover the implants.

•  An abutment is attached, which is the connector piece for fitting the dentures.

•  You will have a healing period, lasting approximately three to four months.

Attaching the Fixed Prosthesis

Finally, the dentist attaches the denture prosthesis. Any temporary denture is removed before fixing the permanent one. Now you have your full set of teeth that will last for decades.

Am I a Candidate for All on 4 Dental Implants?

Good candidates for All on 4 are those with healthy and sufficient bone in their jaw. It helps properly support the implants. People without sufficient bone density may require bone grafting treatment.

Further, a good candidate needs to be healthy and able to recover from oral surgery. Those with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension should get them stabilized first.

FAQs About All on 4 Dental Implants

People planning to get All on 4 may have questions to ask the dentist. Knowing what to expect is paramount. Common questions that our dentists gets include:

How Long Do All on 4 Dental Implants Last?

With your All on 4 system, you can expect the teeth to endure for up to two decades or more. However, you have to care for them properly. Brush and floss as required and make appointments for routine visits every six months.

Are There Any Dietary Restrictions After Getting All on 4 Implants?

Once the surgery is completed, you have to adjust your dietary needs. Avoid any foods that can hurt the site such as crunchy, hard foods. Ensure you start off with soft foods as you allow time for the implants to heal.

Is the All on 4 Procedure Painful?

Receiving All on 4 is not a painful process. The dentist provides an anesthetic, in addition to a sedative for a comfortable and pain-free procedure. Even so, there may be a little swelling and discomfort thereafter; these are easy to manage with over-the-counter medication.

Schedule All on 4 with Your Russellville Dentist Today!

To gain more understanding of All on 4 and how the system works, visit us at Singing River Dentistry. Contact us at 256-460-4191 to request an appointment.

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All on 4 Russellville AL
All on 4 has revolutionized the process of replacing missing teeth. Our Russellville, AL area patients can get this procedure at our office! Call now!
Singing River Dentistry - Russellville, 531 St Clair St, Russellville, AL 35653 ^ 256-460-4191 ^ ^ 10/22/2024 ^ Associated Words: dentist Russellville AL ^