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Singing River Dentistry - Russellville

Why are Dental Fillings Important

Posted on 1/25/2021 by SRD Russellville
Why are Dental Fillings ImportantThere will be many people telling you to avoid dental fillings as maintaining them does require a little bit of effort. Sure, you will have to come in for a dental checkup and refilling maybe every six months. However, the consequences of not getting a dental filling are far too great and may leave your dental structure permanently and severely damaged.

You may follow an excellent oral healthcare routine but still get cavities. In fact, it is one of the most common dental health problems faced by Americans. Simply put, cavities are a part of life. However, you do not need to embrace them and should visit a dentist to seek treatment.

Cavities, if left untreated, can cause tooth decay. They slowly eat away at the tooth enamel, resulting in the formation of a hole in the tooth, exposing the nerves and the roots to bacteria. When bacteria seeps into the tooth's soft pulpy area, it can damage the entire tooth structure, including the roots. The treatment then will involve extensive restorative procedures that can prove very costly.

Dental fillings are an optimal solution to prevent tooth decay. The filling covers any minor chips, cracks, or holes in the teeth and protects bacteria from seeping in or further damaging the tooth. It will also preserve the strength and structural integrity of the tooth. If you follow proper oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice daily, floss regularly, and don't skip out on your biannual dental cleaning, you should be good to go. You only really need to go in for refilling or a checkup every six months, so you don't end up overtreating the tooth.

Do keep in mind that you don't always need dental fillings. If the tooth decay is minimal, and you don't have any obvious holes or cavity pain, you do not need to opt for a dental filling. You only really need to get the cavity cleaned and pay extra attention to your oral hygiene, use fluoride-rich toothpaste and products to fix the damage.

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Singing River Dentistry - Russellville, 531 St Clair St, Russellville, AL 35653 | 256-460-4191 | | 11/16/2024 | Associated Words: dentist Russellville AL |